Donations are welcomed via Venmo (@ra-ruiz) & Paypal ( Donations allow our free programs to continue.

Donations help to compensate invited guest speakers in several free programs, including: “Areito: Taino Voices” and also “Queer Taino Voices”.

Support by purchasing:

Todavia Estamos Aqui

This gorgeous art piece was made by Guatemalan Maya artist Jose Flores Chamale (@sangre_indigena_art) with the concept guided by Taino artist/educator Ra Jikotea Niaku'no (Ra Ruiz Leon). Proceeds from these sales support Taino language and culture work done by Ra Jikotea Niaku'no (Ra Ruiz Leon). 

To purchase your own copy of this 17x22 piece, please click the button below.

Jajom/gracias/thank you. We appreciate your support!